Rott Magazine / Issue 1: Death. Book-object (2020)

Death is a subject that has always, since the beginning of time, worried human beings.
It cannot be controlled, reason why it has generated throughout history a feeling of uncertainty and fear.
Nowadays, it’s still a topic that concerns us all, the youngest and the oldest.

We decided to show and reflect on this artistic vision of death, creating a gradient from white to black, from life to death.
Despite this, a large number of artists throughout history have expressed their vision of death in their works.

Visual approach from different forms of death’s representation throught the history of art.

The Magazine have five chapters as the phases of mourning.
These are described by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross a Swiss psychiatrist

Creative direction and Design with:Marco CofradesEduardo San ValentínLucía Peraltaand Ángel Garcya